Life Award 2019
Relationships Australia Tasmania today announced the winners of the 2019 LiFE Awards, recognising contribution to suicide prevention in Tasmania. Channel Men’s Shed Inc. has won the “Communities in Action for Suicide Prevention” award.
From the Relationship Australia’s Media release
Over the past six years, the organisation has provided a place for both men and women to come together and form friendships and support each other and their community.
The Shed has provided many retired people, with purpose and companionship and supports those who are unemployed, helping them to gain confidence and seek supports.
The Shed has taken a pro-active approach to supporting health and mental health and in collaboration with local service providers has hosted annual health check days for the past 3 years.
Click here for the full Relationships Australia media release

L to R Dr. Michael Kelly (Chair, Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Community Network), Debbie Evans (CEO , Lifeline Tasmania-award sponsor), Lyndley Chopping (Committee Member, Channel Men’s Shed), Peter Norris (President, Channel Men’s Shed), Michael Ferguson (Minister for Health)