News from the Shed September 2022
Quite a bit to report this time:
This last Saturday saw the kick off another activity in your Shed, thanks to Bob who is leading the band (so to speak) on this initiative. If you are interested, let the secretary know and your contact details will be passed on to Bob.
There may be other activities which, with suitable and willing mentors to run the show, would fit with the social dynamic of Channel Men’s Shed. What suggestions are you willing to put to the committee and how will you run these?
Or at least their nesting boxes will shortly be on the bench again. Some modifications are being negotiated, but, as usual, birders with an interest will be in demand for assembly.
More to come.
KHH garden shed at Edna’s dismantled and removed. Pictured are a few of the volunteers removing the last of the water damaged flooring.
We are now ready for site preparation for the replacement.
We are to box in the area approved for a well-drained concrete slab and once that has matured, assemble, on site, the prefabricated all steel Shed. The prefab parts are at the Shed in course of construction for anyone interested in the process.
Fit out of the Shed will follow shortly after assembly. We are likely to be calling for volunteers at that time.
Two of our members entered into the TMSA AGM competitions: Ian Jay’s submission to the Inaugural Active Ageing Sculpture Competition took out first prize –a $500 CARBATEC voucher which has been passed to the Shed and reserved, for the moment, to support our next CARBATEC purchase.
The judges commented that the elegance of the item spoke to family gatherings across the generations and illustrated the value of active ageing.
Our own Graeme Dazeley’s reflection on Shed life attracted much attention as part of the 2022 Aurora Art Prize. Many of the Shedders present at the meeting (there are 71 Member Sheds in Tasmania) recognised the themes Graeme flagged.
Courtesy of one of our members we note the important upcoming webinar on…
The Case for a Male Suicide Action Plan in Tasmania
Friday 9 September 2022: 1.30pm to 2.30pm AEST
Tasmania has the highest rate of male suicide in Australia and is currently developing a new Suicide Prevention Strategy.
On the eve of World Suicide Prevention Day (Saturday 10 September), the Australian Men’s Health Forum and Men’s Resources Tasmania are releasing a new report called “Time to act on male suicide in Tasmania”.
In this webinar, we will present our case for the inclusion of a Male Suicide Action Plan within that strategy and share our five key recommendations.
Speakers include:
– Glen Poole, CEO, Australian Men’s Health Forum
– Jonathan Bedloe, Men’s Resources Tasmania
In this webinar we will:
– Present the latest facts and figures on male suicide in Australia
– Explore the key risk factors that are linked to male suicide base on coroner’s reports
– Provide Tasmanian data that challenges the myth that suicide men “do- n’t get help”