Riding for the Disabled

The photo below shows the results of one of our members efforts.

One of the sites for The Riding for the Disabled Tasmania group had a need to number their paddocks.

From within our material resources, our members were able to fabricate the substantial numbers (they have only nine paddocks) and donate then to the association branch without charge.

This project shows the practical usage of “scrounged” products – the grey plastic sheeting used came to us as waste packaging as used in the transport of photo copy paper.


Timber Mounting Ramp

Channel Men’s Shed members recently completed a timber mounting ramp for Riding for The Disabled Kingborough at their Summerleas complex off Leslie Road. The ramp is to be used to provide mounting access for their clients with disabilities, including those requiring wheelchair access. While Channel Men’s Shed provided numerous hours of labour, the project made possible by the generous donation of materials by Clennetts Mitre 10 (timber and fixings) and Nubco (safety rails).
The Channel Men’s Shed Inc. is again proud to have had the opportunity to use our members skills to assist those in the community who have special needs.